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Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to Preston Park- an innovative environment where learning is at the heart of everything we do. We are a vibrant and inclusive community school set close to the iconic Wembley Stadium. Our devoted team drive academic achievement through the development of the whole child. Children come from all over the world to be educated by our expert teachers and we have approximately 700 children on roll, speaking 45 different languages.
Children only have one opportunity for their primary education and we deliver the best start, welcoming children from the age of 2 years old. We aim to provide a world-class education where children achieve exceptionally well during their time at Preston Park, transition well into their next phase of education and lead happy and fulfilled lives.
News & Diary
74% GLD [2022]
National 65.7%
90% Pass phonics Y1 [2022]
National 82%
57% Combined RWM KS2 [2022]
National 59%
Children leave our EYFS having made a good level of development and this places our operating margin above national.
We aim for 100% of children to be competent readers by the end of KS1. We teach the Read Write Inc phonics programme and support our children to keep up and not fall behind through precision teaching, smaller class sizes and 1:1 tuition.
Our children make exceptional progress across KS2: Reading -0.3 [average] Writing 4.5 [above average] and maths 1.2 [above average].
Our children achieve well at Preston Park and we are above national for attaining greater depth in reading, writing and maths at Y6.