Charging and Remission
The Charging & Remissions policy outlines the schools position on chargeable activities, voluntary contributions and remissions. The schools charging and remissions policy complies with statutory requirements and has regard to the Authority's policy statements on charging and is reviewed on an annual basis. Preston Park Primary School adopt a strict no debt policy relating to services within the school such as school dinners, after-school enrichment clubs, breakfast and afterschool club.
Charging and Remissions Policy:
Families of Preston Park must pay in advance for services provided by the school and this can be paid using our on-line payment system through Arbor.
Any money owed to the school has an impact on the budget and may affect the resources we can provide to all children. We hope that Families of Preston Park understand this and will make every effort to avoid owing the school money.
The Debt Recovery Policy outlines the steps that the school will take in order to recover any debt that is owed to the school by parents.
Debt Recovery Policy
From September 1st 2023, school staff will no longer be able to act as counter signatories for passport applications, I.D. documentation and similar requests.
Staff in school receive a large number of requests to verify/countersign passport applications and other legal documents.
We are currently finding that the volume of requests for parents and for children is such that we can no longer sustain this offer. In addition, the passport office is increasingly following up with further verification paperwork for us to complete, and this combined administration is taking from the main work of the school.
For families, fortunately the rules have relaxed a little and you no longer always need a professional as a counter signatory. For example, we understand counter signatories for passports can now also be a friend or colleague.