Pupil Premium
Pupil premium funding
Preston Park receives extra funding called the pupil premium for every child registered as eligible for a free school meal if their parents receive benefits. We use this money to directly support the child's learning and personalise this spending to what the child needs.
If you think you could be eligible for the pupil premium then please come into the school and let us know- you can come to the front office or see a member of the team on the gate in the morning.
We may be able to access the pupil premium for your child if you are in receipt of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit
- National Asylum Seekers Support
- Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
- Universal Credit (income dependant)
We use this extra money to fund things like additional tuition, learning support assistants, art therapy, booster classes, educational trips and after school clubs.
If you think you meet the criteria it is very important that you apply to us because your child will continue to benefit from this funding for six years once your children are registered.
Even if you do not want your child to receive a free meal, we would urge all parents who think they might be eligible to fill in an application form so that your child can benefit from this extra funding.
If your child is starting in Reception it is very important that you fill in an application form because we will not have any of your details registered.
If you have previously not been eligible for free school meals but think that you now might be, you also need to fill in an application form.
Examples of how we use pupil premium funding include
- Subsidised trips and enrichment activities
- Running booster classes in literacy and maths
- Providing additional teaching support
- Provided targeting teaching groups and interventions
- Subsidising extra-curricular activities
- Increasing provision for those pupils who are gifted and talented
- Providing art therapy.
- 1-to-1 and small group teaching
- Subsidising music lessons
- Additional pastoral care
- Mentoring
How we spend the money
The pupil premium money at Preston Park Primary School is used to remove barriers.
Identified Barriers |
Success Criteria |
Barrier 1 |
Enriching curricular opportunities: Working poor families, minimum wage incomes and multiple occupancy housing limit pupil experiences and opportunities to access world learning. Enriching curriculum opportunities enable children in receipt of the pupil premium grant to consolidate and enhance their learning. |
· Children take part in activities beyond the classroom including clubs.· Children to experience real life situations such as money handling workshops/enterprise.· Attendance on school trips· Continuation of music lessons for longer periods of time (KS2). |
Barrier 2 |
Pupil wellbeing: Improve parenting skills and parental emotional support to pupils. |
· Attendance at parent groups, e.g. Place2Be, coffee mornings and Emotion coaching workshops.· Engagement with Family Liaison Officer.· Increased parental attendance at curriculum events.· Pupil confidence and participation in learning opportunities. |
Barrier 3 |
Reading: Additional support needed in developing and improving children’s phonics and reading skills. |
· Class/ intervention planning and pupil outcomes show that target children are receiving appropriate support.· Progress data shows that target pupils have made accelerated progress.· In year data shows the difference diminishing.· End year data shows that the difference has been diminished between target pupils and national data. |
Barrier 4 |
Support for Families: First generation migrant EAL families. Children with no prior schooling.Lack of basic literacy/ numeracy skills amongst parents who are unable though not unwilling to support pupils.Parents unaware of support networks available to them incl SEND |
· Attendance at parent groups, e.g. Place2Be coffee mornings.· Attendance at parent workshops / curriculum evenings.· Attendance at Parent consultation evenings.· Attendance at achievement assemblies.· Engagement with Parent Liaison· Engagement with Place2Be.· SEND children making accelerated progress |
Barrier 5 |
Challenge for all: Additional challenge for all pupils enabling accelerated progress and raising aspirations |
· Planning / intervention groups show that target children are receiving appropriate support.· Progress data shows that target pupils have made accelerated progress.· In year data shows the difference diminishing.· End year data shows that the difference has been diminished between target pupils and national data. |
- 1 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020 21
- CUPremium doc 2021
- FAQs free school meals
- House of Commons Briefing Paper The Pupil Premium
- PPPS PPG Strategy 2021 22
- PPPS PPG Strategy 2022 2023
- PPPS PPG Strategy 2023 24
- Pupil Premium Grant 2020 21
- Pupil Premium Guidance iPDF